Friday 10 February 2012




I'm only writing this blog purely to express my opinions based on experience, and this is a big one for me. I spend a lot of my time hopping from bed to bed, and as I have been quoted before as saying, ' You have two hours to seal the deal... I want her in my bed and out of it.' Classy I know.

But the point of me writing this blog is I do get asked a lot how I do it and so I decided to do create a two part blog, 1 section to be blatantly honest and I mean blatantly honest. Section number 2 is to try to help out the poor individuals not getting any head in a GUIDE TO GETTING LAID. Heed everything I say as you will most likely find it useful.  Firstly don't think you are going to be one of the guys who's bedroom turns into a lost and found for female trinkets and lingerie if you aren't attractive. Being attractive is key with the only thing bettering this being famous or loaded, and if your reading this I'm assuming you aren't.

Now if your the nice guy who always ends up with girls as friends and not as f***'s, your answer for this was stated at the beginning of the sentence. YOUR A NICE GUY. Girls may say they want a nice guy, but it is a load of bollocks, just how they say 'being funny is more important than looks.'

You stick a girl in a room with a guy like Ken Dodd (British comedian) and lets say for balance, David Tennant (British Actor) They will undoubtedly go for the attractive guy and not the funny one. Learn fellas that girls chat SHIT!!! 

Take for example one of the lines I once used in a nightclub, bearing in mind I had never met the girl before. I walked up to her oozing arrogance, stood to her side and inclined my head slightly towards her without looking and uttered the most egotistical sentence of my life, ' look love... I don't really care about your name and  I don't want your phone number, but if you come home with me, you will have the best night of your life and in the morning you go home.' The rest as they say is history, so if your a girl reading this and are disgusted by my sentiments, trust me it WORKS.

I am in a majority discussing the art of one night stands here as opposed to relationships, although I do have previous experience of them they are not my strong point. Maybe in a relationship the nice guy can end up succeeding, the question there is though FOR HOW LONG?

Sooner or later the girl will get bored, take advantage of you and leave you heartbroken. Not being funny, I WOULD TO!!! Relationships need to be exciting and intense and a nice guy just does not do that for many girls, which is why when you see a girl with an absolute prick, like such as myself, next time ask yourself... WHY?The simple answer being, we offer danger and are spontaneous, we take them away from the mundane and normality of everyday life and love.

Also the nice guy tends to blow his chances before they even really start ( Call it the premature ejaculation of picking up). He comes on too strong and too needy, texting back instantly to every message and professing his undying love in a matter of moments.Come on you soppy b*****'s, GET A GRIP!!! ( I will be providing all my expertise on the subjects and issues raised within this segment in section 2, but first off I do need to highlight all the facts to you before I answer them.)

Another problem with nice guys is that they can be too scared to chat to girls as well, instantly ruling themselves out of them game. 'If you don't plant the seed, then its not going to grow.' Girls will rarely come to the guy and chat them up, so it is up to us as the male sex to engage our opposite members in the art of conversation. A nice guy generally comes across as a friend because he does not know how to be implicitly sexual, he is afraid to fail, and thus he is afraid to take a chance. GROW A F*****G PAIR!!!

Now that I have finished this brief interlude on why, IF IM HONEST... NICE GUYS DON'T GET LAID. I will be as I stated, composing a second part advising guys on HOW TO GET LAID and in parallel discussing the ART TO GAME. So check that out and lets get you KNEE DEEP IN CLUNGE!!!


  1. you are a complete dickhead. I hope you catch some new and awful terminal infection, that makes your cock and eyes rot out and you choke on your own deluded sense of self satisfaction. You are a skidmark on the toilet bowl of life.

  2. Came to this blog after watching BBC's Unsafe Sex in the City. Ha ha ha. This guys a legend.

  3. Same ^^ I saw this tool on unsafe sex in the city...seriously guy, I'm all for having a good time & casual sex but you've got to be a complete muppet and/or brain damaged not to see the repercussions here - it's not just you at risk, it's every slapper stupid enough to sleep with you er go passing whatever around in a vicious cycle. Idiot. Jeremy Kyle would have a field day with you my friend. Seriously, I'm just saying use something you jackass!

  4. I too found this blog via Unsafe Sex in the City the guy talks perfect sense, he knows how the system works but putting himsefl at high risk however is a dick move it will catch up with you one day mate, however cock you want to be about it...

  5. I checked this out after watching Unsafe Sex in the City, too.

    Honestly, I think this is bullshit attitude.

    If you continue like this, you will surely get unlucky, perhaps get HIV, and will have to live with it and the regrets for the rest of your life because of your arrogance and cockiness.

    And, being a woman myself, I can tell you that you have the facts wrong about women. I have come across a fair share of jerks, and I swear, their sorry arse have not been kicked so far. Sure, your post might make sense aimed at slags that would sleep with anything that breaths (like that fat girl in the episode), but not towards real women. Just saying.

    Take care.

  6. I'm a girl, and reading some of this article made me excessively angry. I think you're a complete dick head, although I found some of this true the parts that I diddn't just made the things that made sense, not. The girls you go for are obviously really insecure and vulnerable or just std ridden sluts, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. Saw you on BBC. I think you're a basically a nice lad, but for your sake and others', use protection. It's just a matter of when you'll catch something and infect others.

  8. Don't you just wish it was him that got the false positive for the HIV, perhaps then it would make him think twice.....

  9. He's the most blatant virgin in the history of virgins

  10. This is just a blog from a young, free and single guy enjoying his life. If he wants to risk HIV or STDs that's up to him. Ok he's cocky as fuck but most guys are these days!!! Saw him on Unsafe Sex in The City, and he thinks he's a player but fuck it he's enjoying himself, you're a long time dead, just be careful when you're having fun!!

  11. Wooww! Just saw this eejit on the BBC. I seriously think it's all an act! He hasn't slept with no were near the amount of girls he's professing to! It's laughable the fact he gives out advice like this, advice that probably doesn't even work for him. If it does work; it's working on girls who you don't want to be sleeping with. He's confident for reasons beyond me. For all lads out there; being a dickhead is not going to get you laid. Take this cocks advice you'll just end up looking like a bigger tool than this melon.

    Women with worth sleeping with

  12. Hate to admit it, but the boy is totally right. I have no time for a guy fumbling over his words because I immediately expect that's what he's like in bed.
    And as for all these other comments wishing some plague on him, just get over it. A girl (on a night out) decides within the first 10 seconds if she's going to sleep with someone - whatever patter follows is just incidental.
    But you CAN NOT brand a girl a slut for sleeping with a guy like this. She has her own reasons for her own actions. But most importantly (and most aggravatingly)the word 'slut' is not objective enough for use on complete strangers, so stop using it.

  13. How do I get laid? It's a question asked by millions of guys, and not just virgins either. Everyone wants to know how to get laid in any and every possible scenario. If you really want to get laid than just try this awesome guide it is really good guide hope this will work for you.. All the best..

  14. All men want to seduce women and have sex with them. The ideal would be to get over with the seduction as fast as possible. It’s the testosterone that makes you do this. Men act as per their sexual desire. But the problem is to seduce a woman as fast as possible.Try this guide .
    It is a really good guide written by a well know author. I hope this works for all man who want to seduce woman fast.

  15. Well basically you are right... But what when nice guy act "bad guy"? :) Working for me :)

  16. Fun read- thanks for the honesty! Women like to have sex just as much as men do. So agreed with Kayleigh, a woman decides very quickly if she will have sex with a man. Kudos to the confident man then (without being an asshole).

    P.S. The term 'slut' is another juvenile label used by similarly-minded and morally insecure persons.
